Constitution and Members Code
Here you wil find the Yorkshire German Shepherd Dog Training Club constitution and members code. All members are bound by the constitution and the members' code.
Here you wil find the Yorkshire German Shepherd Dog Training Club constitution and members code. All members are bound by the constitution and the members' code.
By joining YGSD Training all members agree to follow the club’s members code relating to the conduct of handlers/owners and to the welfare of dogs.
The Yorkshire German Shepherd Dog Training constitution was ratified by it's membership at the inaugural Annual General Meeting held at Odsal Stadium, Bradford on 13th March 2022
The club shall be called Yorkshire German Shepherd Dog Training, and its objectives shall be promoting responsible dog ownership and providing training for the owners of family pets/companion dogs specifically for German Shepherd Dogs and promoting the breed positively in the community.
The club shall consist of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee and an unlimited number of members.
The management of the club shall be in the hands of a committee consisting of at least 3 members, who will remain as Committee Members until they resign or cease to be members of the club. The position of Chairperson will be selected from one of the Committee members and shall be elected annually at the Club AGM. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer will be elected (from the Committee members) at the AGM and the position(s) held for three years. Committee Meetings shall be held on the first Sunday of the month and six Committee members shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. Each Committee member shall be entitled to vote at meetings and, in the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members of the Committee in the event of positions becoming vacant between Annual General Meetings. These co-opted members shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall be responsible for managing minor changes to the rules and regulations of the club other than those that alter the constitution. Such changes shall be proposed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and voted on by the members. Where a change is deemed to be urgent and the AGM is not due within a reasonable period of time, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called.
Candidates for membership of the club shall be accepted on completion of an application form, acceptance of the constitution and general rules and on payment of an annual subscription. Any member leaving the club shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any part of the annual subscription fee. Membership status shall either be joint, single, Concessionary (including but not exclusively for Senior Citizens) or Family.
Each member shall be entitled to vote at the AGM or EGM. Voting shall be by show of hands or as decided by majority at a meeting. In the case of joint membership, one vote for each member of the partnership. Members under the age of eighteen shall be unable to vote.
A banking account shall be opened in the name of the Society into which all revenue of the Society shall be paid and from which withdrawals shall be made on the signature of two out of three signatories. The accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer, and audited and certified annually by either a suitably qualified or experienced member of the club or the appointed accountant.
Those undertaking the certification must be independent from those who prepared the accounts. The annual Statement of Accounts will be available for inspection by members at the AGM.
There will be an annual subscription payable to the Club on the date of joining, then renewable every twelve months thereafter. Any changes to the Annual Fees shall be proposed at the next AGM and voted on by the membership. In addition to the annual subscription there will be a training fee payable by any handler taking part in any training to cover the cost of the rent for the premises used by the Club. The level of such training fees will be set by the Committee and may be adjusted from time to time to reflect changes in cost. The committee shall have the power to raise funds by organizing such lawful activities as it may see fit even if such activity is not expressly included in the stated objectives of the club.
The property of the Club shall be vested in the Committee. In the event of the Club ceasing to exist, a final General Meeting shall be called to decide the disposal of the Club's assets.
The financial year of the Club shall be from 1st January to 31st December
The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the first Sunday in June for the following purposes:-
Any member wishing to table a specific agenda item shall do so by forwarding the item up to the Club Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the AGM. The Agenda will only be available to the members at the beginning of the AGM to allow any urgent changes to be made. Any Other Business can be discussed, without notification, at an Annual General Meeting.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be summoned by the Secretary if either requested by a majority of the Committee or twelve members send a signed requisition stating the subject to be discussed and requesting an EGM to do so. No business other than that detailed on the Agenda can be discussed at an EGM, notice of which shall be given to members via email, or by display on the Club website and facebook page.
Any vote to amend the Constitution or any part thereof shall need to be supported by a minimum of 15 people from the current membership. For the purposes of determining the actual number of current members anyone who has paid their membership fee for the period in question, either individually or as joint or family members, and has attended training at some time within the 6 month period immediately prior to the meeting shall be deemed a current member.